* paper
* washable objects (we used plastic bits from a shape sorter and plastic kitchenware, but cardboard or paper shapes and plastic letters/numbers would work great as well)
* watered down paint
* scrubbing brushes/toothbrushes
* wire cake cooling rack
* two phone books
* drop sheet
* newspaper
WARNING : this activity is MESSY with a capital 'M', wear old clothes or aprons if you have some :-)

We tried a variety of brushes just to see what kind of results we'd get.

I find the easiest way to make watered down paint (unless using powder paint) is to use warm water for mixing.

Lay down your drop sheet and newspaper, then position your two phone books in the centre. The distance between the two books should be the same as the length of your cake cooling rack.

Put the paper between the phone books and position your objects. Make sure they are laid as flat as possible.

Place the cake cooling rack across the two phone books so it is suspended above the paper.

Wet your brush with the watered down paint and scrub across the cooling rack to make a spray paint effect. We found the paintbrush was terrible and just dropped all over the paper, but the scrubbing brush worked wonderfully.

Bubble making a spray paint picture.
Please note you will need to hold the cooling rack so it doesn't get dislodged with all that scrubbing action! :-D

Remove the objects and you have a pretty cool effect. The photos dont show it very well, but it looked great, especially once it had dried. Alternatively you could use pictures cut from magazines, cardboard shapes, or letters to spell out words. It would be a great fun way to practice spelling your child's name.

I had a bowl covered with a plastic bag off to the side for us to drop our paint covered objects in after we were done with them - made clean up a lot easier!
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