Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Crayon Scratch Pictures

We took this activity to the park with us today while we enjoyed the increasingly warm weather (yay for sunshine, we've missed you!). The girls enjoyed crayon scratching but not as much as I thought they would, Squeak (2) was initially interested but after a little scribble wandered off to follow some ducks. Bubble (4) was into it for longer but still only wanted to do one picture.
We will be doing this again for sure, but next time we will try colouring the back ground with the other crayons before going over the top with black and seeing how that works out. We'll also be doing it at home without the distractions of waddling birds and climbing frames!


* coloured paper
(you can use white as well though)
* black crayon
(the softer crayons work the best)
* wooden skewers
(you could use anything from sticks to forks for the scratching part, we just used skewers because they were on hand)

Cover your sheet of paper with a layer of black crayon making it as dark as you can. The lighter coloured paper will show through better but any type (except black) should work.

Use your scratching utensil (in our case skewers) to make pictures and patterns. The coloured background will show through as the crayon is scraped away.


  1. Hi, loving your ideas! where did you get the crayons from? Thanks

  2. Hi Katrina, thankyou for your lovely comment! The crayons are from our local $2 shop (I think it is a Hot Dollar shop for anyone in Australia). The brand is DATS if that helps. Beware though they are soft crayons and we've found they sometimes leave marks on hands and clothes like pastels do.

  3. Thank you for replying, Im in Adelaide dont think we have a hot dollar shop, the brand sounds familiar. Mess doesnt bother me to much, thats what old clothes and smocks are made for MESSY PLAY.
